Not all tattoos are done with needs that give you severe pain. Some are carried out without any pain too. Henna tattoo is the same thing that provides the tattooed experience with beauty and extreme ease. 

Henna has spread globally due to its lasting impression and beauty admired by women around the globe. However, there are many types of henna tattoos that make the tattoo art extremely wide. But for this moment, let’s get deep into the history behind this ancient body art. 

What is Henna Tattoos: 

Henna tattoo is an ancient tattoo art that is still in practice by women of all corners. Nevertheless, it is liked by people of all genders, continents, and ages. This henna tattoo is a form of body art where a deep orange-red color is applied on hands, legs, arms, and feet that gives the temporary but interactive pattern design to the body. 

Watching henna tattoos being applied is always mesmerizing. You can easily sit and watch it being applied.  Among many ways, some artists prefer to make an outline before the design is applied directly. It’s better to bring a pattern of your own preference and get it done by the artist. Otherwise, you’ll still have the choice to choose from a myriad of designs, available at the store. 

How Does Henna Work?

Henna is a plant that grows in the counties such as India, Egypt, and Morocco, etc. After that, the leaves of henna are crushed and made into a paste. This paste is used to create beautiful patterns of tattoos. In this paste, water, sugar, and some essential oils are mixed to make the paste more useful. 

How Long do Henna Tattoos Last?

As Belle brow bar deals with henna tattoos, we can confirm that henna tattoos last from 1 week to 2 weeks. If the henna tattoo is applied with a very good henna paste, then the time frame can sometimes go up. The longevity is defined by the quality of the paste being used to make the henna tattoo.  The longer the paste is applied to your skin, the longer it will stay onto the skin. After applying it to the skin, you can leave it overnight for the best results. 

Avoid washing the henna-applied area with exfoliators. Doing this will affect the drying ability of the paste and it will not stick to the skin. Avoid using a scrub on the area too for better results.  If you are going to take henna tattoos service, consider not applying any kind of moisturizer/oil on the skin. 

How to Make Henna Tattoos Last Longer

There are many ways by which henna tattoos can stay longer on your skin. Below are the techniques that can be used to make your tattoo more vital and beautiful. 

Location of the Tattoo

If you want to get a tattoo on a specific area. Then this section is most important to you. The life of a henna tattoo depends on the area of the body where the tattoo is being applied. 

There is a possibility of having to tattoo a particular location. If you’re flexible, your choice of body location will prolong the life of the tattoo with henna. If the skin type of the applied area is thick then, it will last longer. But thinner skins have the tendency to fade the henna tattoo in a short span of time. 

For long-lasting tattoos, you can go with the body parts such as:

  1. Soles of the feet
  2. Palms of the hands
  3. Stomach
  4. Hand Henna Tattoo

The thinner areas of the body are the top of the hands and the feet. They have the thinnest skin. Therefore, the henna tattoo does not work for so long in these areas. 

Keep It Moist

A certain level of humidity is required for the henna tattoo to make it hold on the skin. To keep the most from the henna tattoo, you can apply lemon juice to the skin to keep it moist. After that, you can leave the paste for the night. 

The other way to do it is, just to heat a quarter of lemon juice in a cup to a certain point that it does not boil.  After this add three tablespoons of sugar. Keep mixing the sugar until it gets dissolved into the juice. Leave it for some time and keep it cool. You can use it with henna paste to get a more intense color for so long. 

If you want your tattoo to last longer, of course, you should not moisturize it after applying. 

Do Not Wash

It’s not like dropping your personal hygiene but unless and until you have the tattoo paste applied on the body part, you should not wash the area to get the maximum benefit. You also have to avoid using exfoliating sponges or scrubs on the area. 

Henna tattoo works with the upper skin and when the dead skin cells are removed from the body the henna tattoo also fades. Ideally, you should wash the area politely with soap and water. 

Keep It Warm 

Also, keep in mind that the lawful binding to keratin is always enhanced in the event that the tattoo is held warm for up to 48 hours.

Also, take care about balancing the essentials when giving heat to henna tattoos. Too much heat will leave you sweating and the opened pores can reduce the color intensity of the tattoo.  So, my advice would be little and often. 

A technique I use, which produces great results, is as follows:

  1. Place a tissue with light effort on the henna tattoo. 
  2. Place the tattoo near the space heater. The idea is to make your tattoo warm, not hot. 
  3. Allow it to warm for 10 mins. 
  4. Repeat this after an hour
  5. 4 sessions of this report would be perfect. 

Have Some Patience

Once you have got your henna tattoo dried. Remove the paste and see the beautiful design on the skin. Although, you should remember that the more time it is on your skin the darker and beautiful tattoo it will be. 


From the above tips, you must have a greater knowledge of how you should get your henna tattoo applied to make out the maximum benefits from it. Now, you must have a complete understanding of how to make your henna tattoo last longer. All the points listed above will leave you with an awww feeling once followed correctly.  We at Belle Brow Bar provide the best services for henna tattoos near me in Melbourne, Australia, Victoria. If you want the beautiful henna tattoo just give us a call.